Monday, June 23, 2008
Ask Dr. Downtown
Q: Who maintains the six planters in the 100 block of East Main Street in downtown?
A: Local downtown business owners adopt the planters and maintain them each season. They are recognized by a sign in the planter they are maintaining. Currently the one in front of the Main Street Market Place Building is available to adopt . The others are currently being maintained by Rising Sun Pottery; Edward Jones/Buddy Collins; North State Books; Hi-Lites and Creative Travel.
Do you have a question about downtown Lincolnton for Dr. Downtown? Ask your question and Dr. Downtown will respond.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Downtown Rental Rate Survey
The survey permits the department to provide the most accurate information to potential tenants as well as property owners and developers on rental rate averages and trends. The individual information is kept strictly confidential and only aggregate data is released. Property owners and tenants will be receiving the survey in the next few weeks. Please take a few moments to provide the requested information and help us to continue to ‘Build a Better Lincolnton One Block at Time’
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Hometown Advantage
Parking Fines to Increase July 1, 2008

Officer Whitesides will continue to enforce the two-hour parking limit downtown. If you have questions about where to park or regarding the new fines contact Officer Whitesides or the City of Lincolnton Police Department. 704-736-8900.
There's Opportunity Here!
Grant Received to Complete Plans for Rehabilitation of former City Recreation Center

Many people in Lincolnton have fond memories of the building. It was once a school as well as the city recreation center. The City of Lincolnton, Lincoln County and the Lincoln County School System were the former owners of the property and donated the property to the DDA to be the catalyst for its redevelopment. It is anticipated that the architectural and engineering analysis and National Register nomination will be completed within six months and the rehabilitation of the building within 24 months.
Gray Stout of Stout Studio Architecture has been hired to complete the plans. "Gray has won a number of awards for rehab projects that he's been involved in," said Brad Guth, Business and Community Development Director. "His knowledge and experience with old buildings will be valuable to the project."
DDA has the building listed for sale for $60,000. The grant will reduce the cost of the rehabilitation project for the purchaser/developer. In addition to the $35,000 towards the plans the building is eligible for over $10,000 in local grant programs.
"Receiving this grant is a great next step for our continued efforts to rehabilitate the building," said Brad Whitley, Economic Restoring Work Group Chairman for the Downtown Development Association. "With the plans paid for and more grants available for the construction work a buyer will be getting a very good deal."
Once a buyer is found DDA will enter into a rehabilitation agreement with the buyer to ensure that this historic building is rehabilitated to original conditions in an appropriate and timely manner.
The entire restoration project is estimated at $360,000. The actual building rehabilitation costs will be the responsibility of the private developer secured to redevelop the property.
If you are interested in purchasing the property or have pictures or stories about time spent in the building, please contact The Downtown Development Association of Lincolnton at 704-736-8915.
Independents Days
“It’s a time to reflect on the importance of economic democracy and community self-determination by celebrating Lincolnton’s locally owned independent businesses and the stake each citizen has in shaping our town’s future,” stated Buddy Collins, DDA Board Chair.
The Downtown Development Association invites Lincolnton to help celebrate by joining in activities and in-store promotions. Lincolnton residents can participate in Independents Days activities such as the Shop Local Challenge and the Find Your Independents! scavenger hunt.
The Shop Local Challenge is completely voluntary. You make up your own rules. Keep track of your spending for two weeks during Independents Days to see how much goes toward supporting the local economy and your neighbors in Lincolnton. Report back to the Inside Wire on how you did. What products do you buy regularly that you couldn't find at a local retailer? Did you remember to shop the Farmers Market for food purchases? Let us know how you did.
Find Your Independents! is a scavenger hunt of sorts for your favorite products at locally owned independent businesses. Pick up a game card and locate the products or services on the card at a participating locally owned independent business and get the card endorsed. Find all the items by the end of Independents Days, complete the card, return it to be eligible for some great prizes.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
DDA Kicks-Off New Online Newsletter
July 4th Festivities

New Faces in Downtown Development Office
4th of July Downtown Business Window Decorating Contest

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Despite Record Breaking Heat Thousands Attended Hog Happenin'
Lincolnton, NC (June 10, 2008)-- This past weekend the streets of downtown Lincolnton came alive as the revving of motorcycles and the sweet aroma of smoked BBQ filled the air at the Toyota Tundra State Championship BBQ Cook-Off, Terrell Camping Center Bike Fest and the 8th Annual RE/MAX Crossroads Hog Happenin'. This year's Hog Happenin' was a huge success despite the record breaking heat, with approximately 8,000 people attending.
Attendees shopped at the various apparel and merchandise vendors set up along Main Street, participated in competitive food eating contests and enjoyed live music performed by local bands. Some lucky individuals even got to judge entries in the AnythingButt and Dessert Competitions held Friday night.
At the KCBS sanctioned BBQ cook-off event, 25 Professional Teams and 11 Tailgate Teams competed for the title of Grand Champion. The Cool Smoke team, led by Tuffy Stone, from Richmond, VA was named Professional Grand Champion of the event, taking home 1st place prizes in the Chicken, Pork, and Brisket categories, and 2nd place in the Pork Ribs category. This qualified the team for the Jack Daniels World Championship Invitational Barbecue event held in Lynchburg, TN and free entry to Hog Happenin' 2009. Local team, The Hog Winders, led by Ned Dellinger from Vale, NC, took home the Tailgate Grand Champion winning 1st place in Ribs and 2nd place in the Brisket categories.
During the event bikers had the opportunity to compete in bike games such as a keg race, slow race and a burn out competition. The Christian Motorcycle Association, Ambassadors for Christ #539, organized a bike show with prizes awarded in the following divisions: Sport Bikes, Antique, Radical, Custom, Dresser, Cruiser, Best Overall/People's Choice and Best Of Show. Approximately 150 motorcyclists took part in a poker run with four stops at local bars and grills.
On the Special Events stage, the competitive eating contest consisted of pizza, wings, pies, doughnuts and chocolate ice cream in honor of National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. Event goers jammed out to The Thunder Brothers, Cattlertruck, Paris-Keeling, Chrome, and Madderdon't on the Budweiser Entertainment Stage, as well as ParisCountry on the American Roots Stage.
The City of Lincolnton, The Downtown Development Association of Lincolnton, Christian Motorcycle Association and Lincolnton/Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors organized the event.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Events Calendar

**Sponsored by Carolina Trust Bank
July 4,2008
July 4th Parade and Fireworks Display-- Downtown Lincolnton Followed by Fireworks at Lincolnton High School
July 31, 2008
Griffin Nationwide Insurance Alive After 5
**Sponsored by Peoples Bank
August 28,2008
Griffin Nationwide Insurance Alive After 5
**Sponsored by Bank of America
8th Annual Lincolnton Hog Happenin' BBQ Cook-Off Announces Winners
Lincolnton, NC-- There was an all-out battle for the best in Chicken, Pork, Pork Ribs and Brisket in Lincolnton, NC Friday June 6 and Saturday June 7, as 25 professional teams and 11 tailgate teams competed for bragging rights and a chance to qualify for the Jack Daniels World Championship Invitational Barbecue, in the Toyota Tundra State Championship BBQ Cook-Off at the 8th Annual RE/MAX Crossroads Hog Happenin'. The Hog Happenin' is a
The Professional Grand Champion award for the team scoring the highest in all four meat categories went to the Cool Smoke team, led by Tuffy Stone, from
The top scoring professional teams in each category were: Chicken-- Cool Smoke (
The 2008 Hog Happenin' BBQ Cook-Off Winners:
Professional Grand Champion: Cool Smoke (
Professional Reserve Grand Champion: B.S. Pitmeisters (Boiling Springs, SC)
Tailgate Grand Champion: Hog Winders (Vale, NC)
Tailgate Reserve Grand Champion: Butts N Gutts (
Professional Chicken
Professional Pork Ribs
Professional Pork
Professional Brisket
Tailgate Chicken
Tailgate Pork Ribs
Tailgate Pork
Tailgate Brisket