Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Cycle NC Descends on Lincolnton
The cyclists began to arrive in town late Monday morning, as was evident by the scores of bicycles parked outside local restaurants and cafes. Many of the cyclists camped at Betty Ross Park, while a few others rested their heads at local hotels.
The cyclists enjoyed shuttle service to the specially scheduled Alive After Five concert, where vendors and local businesses set up tents to welcome the visitors to Lincolnton. The tour left Lincolnton early Tuesday morning for its next stop in Concord. The cyclists are scheduled to reach Oak Island, the final stop of the tour, Saturday.
For more information about Cycle North Carolina, visit
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Singing and Dancing in the rain = FUN
Frying Fish in hot oil in the rain = NOT FUN ;-)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Come Out and Shag with the The Ocean Blvd. Band
Come out for great entertainment from The Ocean Blvd. Band on Monday, September 29, 2008 at the Griffin Insurance Agency/ Nationwide Insurance Alive After Five concert series.
In coordination with Cycle North Carolina,
Also, don't forget about Alive After Five with the Extraordinaires on Thursday, September 25.
Great Weather Brings Crowd for the Annual Apple Festival
This past weekend the streets of downtown were crowded with people enjoying the annual Lincolnton Apple Festival. This years Apple Festival was a huge success with fall-like weather, and lots of great food, crafts, and activities.
Attendees shopped various apparel, craft, and merchandise booths set up along
During the event kids enjoyed Limbo and Hula-Hoop contests at the Downtown Development Association booth. Hula-Hoop was the most popular contest. There were great hula-hoppers with hula-hooping times over 10 minutes! A special thanks to Melamoose and
Pictures of the Apple Festival can be viewed on the right side of the blog.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Melamoose Scoops & Java presents...
The show will start at 6:30pm until 8:00pm so, come bring a chair and enjoy a great night of Bluegrass and Gospel Music.
While you are relaxing to the tunes of "The Bob Carroll Band" enjoy Melamoose Scoops & Java's fantastic menu that includes: Pizza, Subs, Hotdogs, Ice Cream, and Espresso Bar!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Lincoln County Apple Festival

The 2008 Lincoln County Apple Festival will be held in downtown Lincolnton on Saturday, September 20 from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
The next two festivals were held in the National Guard Armory that included entertainment and exhibits. With attendance and related activities increasing, the need for larger facilities prompted a move to West Lincoln High School in 1975 where food and craft vendors participated. In 1978, the Lincoln County Apple Festival was moved to downtown Lincolnton with approximately 30 booths and an approximate crowd of 8,000.
The festival continues to grow each year with booth numbers increasing and with crowds seemingly getting larger. Attendance estimates range around 80,000. Currently the booth number total is approximately 175.
For more information visit:
Volunteer Recognition Fish Fry September 25th
If you have volunteered with or donated to the Downtown Development Association of Lincolnton within the past 12 months and plan on attending the Volunteer Recognition Fish Fry, please RSVP by September 22, 2008, by calling (704) 736-8915 or emailing lynnbrinson@ci.lincolnton.nc.us.
The Extraordinaires Are Coming To Town!

Come out and boogie to the tunes of The Extraordinaires on Thursday, September 25, 2008 at the Griffin Insurance Agency/ Nationwide Insurance Alive After Five concert series.
Tindall's Professional Photography & Apple Realty are proud to present one of the greatest up and coming bands in the area! The Extraordinaires are known for being one of the best bands in the
Additionally, a drawing for two $50 Downtown Dollars gift certificates will be held during the concert. Entries must be submitted to participating downtown businesses by the day of the show, and those who enter must be present when their names are selected to claim their prizes.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Book of the Month!
Find our Book of the Month on the right side of the blog.
Go to the Charles R. Jonas Library and order the book through inter-library loan http://catalog.glrl.lib.nc.us/polaris/Search/default.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.1
or for your own copy call North State Books 704-732-8562
October's Book of the Month is:
The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition by Michael Shuman
September's Book of the Month is:
Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age by Michael Shuman
Here at the DDA, we hope you enjoy reading these books as much as we have. Please share with us some of your favorite books that you think would be helpful to Downtown Lincolnton and we will post them to our booklist!
Helpful Business Resources
Located under the Useful Links section at the upper right hand side of the blog, are now several helpful resources for local businesses. The first eight links offer marketing, financial, and other helpful information that can guide a business into future success!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Let Us Help You!
Businesses in downtown Lincolnton will soon have a special opportunity to be heard!
Business and Community Development is unveiling their new business owner survey. The survey is one part of a comprehensive market
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Alive After 5 Drawing Winners Announced

On Thursday, August 28, 2008 two names were picked for the Alive After 5 Drawing during the Griffin Insurance Agency/ Nationwide Insurance Alive After Five concert series. The lucky winners were Emily F. Edwards, who entered her drawing entry form at Kate McCall. Also a winner, Bill Heafner, shown left. The winners received two $50 Downtown Dollar Gift Certificates. The event featured music from Coast to Coast, dancing, food vendors, and lots of fun! Drawing entry forms can be found at participating downtown businesses and submitted during the Alive After Five event. The next Alive After Five is scheduled to be September, 25 2008.